Nov 3, 2024 - Strong Aurora

10-31-2024 Autumn comes to an end in the far North of the United States.

10-28-2024 - Low KP of 3 provided a faint Aurora in the far North the other night.

October 27, 2024 - What an incredible location!

October 22, 2024 - Northern Sunset

Oct 20, 2024 - Back in the north for fall color, Got some more images of one of my favorite lighthouses.

Sept 2, 2024 - An evening on the trail at Carvers Gap.

August 18, 2024 - I have been working on my October plans this weekend... so I thought I would share an early Autumn image. I have not shared this imaged until now I captured it last year. It is similar to one I got at this location 3 or maybe 4 years ago. However it's not as bright and has way more foliage on the ground. I have allocated 15 days in October alone and I am looking forward to Fall in both the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia and Virginia.

August 17, 2024 - Evening on the Parkway in North Carolina

August 8, 2024 - Metal print from last months lighthouse outing came in.
August 1, 2024- Hired a photography assistant for the shorter 4 day trips. She did well on her first outing.

July 27, 2024 - Summer sunset on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

July 16, 2024 - I have spent serval days now with this lighthouse and I quickly decided she is my 2nd favorite outside of Betsie. However she is more enjoyable to photograph being about as far north as one can get in the United States in a remote location I haven't ran into any other photographers and no people during shooting times. So I am going to withhold her name. You can photograph this beauty from serval compositions at different times of the day. The image was captured tonight. I am waiting to see if the Northern Lights show up but at this time chances are miniminal.
July 15, 2024 - 2025 calendar preview
Update: My 6th annual calendar was a success and my 2nd highest selling edition. However for 2026 I will not be releasing a new version and will be focusing on capturing material for a lighthouse calendar in the future.

July 13, 2024 - The Fourth order

July 7, 2024 - The obvious choice but in 30mph+ wind it was a challenge.

July 4, 2024 - A recent sunset on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

July 2, 2024- Close Encounters
Jun 30, 2024 - 1 of 2 metal prints for a customer (20X30).

6-23-2024 - A recent favoite.

Jun 21, 2024 - WOW

June 18,2024 - Mountain Laurel at peak during late evening in Grayson County.

May 3, 2024 - New Spring Green in Southern Kentucky.

March 1, 2024 - ICE

February 23, 2024 - Shay 5 in the snow. A rare sight rom Cass WV.

February 20, 2024 - Evening glow at Seneca.
The Legend of Seneca Rocks: The only daughter of chief Bald Eagle and his wife, White Rock, was Snow Bird. As a young girl she played at the base of these towering rocks, often gazing at their topmost peaks and longing to be able to climb to the tallest of them. As a young woman, she became the most beautiful of all the maidens of the Senecas. Her rank and beauty brought many men from her tribe and neighboring tribes courting her. The rivalry caused her to face the serious problem of choosing a mate. When the day arrived to choose a mate, seven young warriors, all suitors for the hand of the Seneca princess, assembled in an open space and arranged themselves in a semi-circle facing the mighty rocks. The faint-hearted had dropped from the contest, not daring to face the ordeal to which they were sure they would be subjected. Silence reigned on all sides. This rush of expectancy was on all until the beautiful Princess Snow Bird clad in the royal garb of her tribe, moved swiftly and gracefully into the circle and faced her lovers. She lifted her hand and silence fell upon the assembled. Ever since I was a little girl, I have watched yonder rocks push their rugged summits into the heavens and many times I have longed to be able to climb to their topmost crags. There have I spent the happiest, the most enjoyable days of my life. Of all the Seneca Indians, I am the only one who has accomplished the feat. One day, about a moon past, I decided upon a contest, a trial of bravery and endurance. You will soon engage in this contest, and to the successful one of you, I will give my hand, my heart and my life."
Princess Snow Bird set out on the journey, followed by the seven braves. Upward they climbed, the sure-footed maiden always leading. As the climb became more and more difficult, three of the seven turned back, dispirited and disappointed. Another followed to the fifth pinnacle and then wearied of the
struggle and gave up. A fifth man crumpled in a heap near the same pinnacle and was rescued from death by the fourth, who led him back to safety. The two that remained followed closely in the footsteps of the maiden. Finally, with renewed determination, they set out on the last and most dangerous stretch of the journey, the maiden as always, in the lead. At last she reached the summit and turned to look for her most persistent suitor. He was only a few feet below her. In this moment of waiting, his foot slipped on the ledge of rock. The maiden hesitated for a fraction of a second. Was he not the bravest and strongest of the Senecas? Where would she ever find his equal? So with the alertness and strength of her young arms, she caught the falling brave and drew him to safety and to herself. Long they sat together talking of their future, and then as darkness approached, the two lovers descended by the trail at the rear of the gigantic rocks. They stood before Chief Bald Eagle and White Rock. The great chief conferred upon his newfound son-in-law the authority to become his successor as chief of the tribe.

November 18, 2023 - Gales of November

Aug 27, 2023 - My favorite place in Autumn colors. Gearing up for several photography outings late summer and fall.

Aug 20, 2023 - Rosebay rhododendrons at Blackwater.

August 8, 2023 - Summer Shenandoah National Park.

7-26-2023 Between Mountains.

June 12, 2023 Rhododendron Supreme

May 9, 2023 - Legendary Lima Shay 5 at Cass makes its way up the mountain on the S.

March 1, 2023 - The Great Smoky Mountains, NC

February 3,2023 - One of my favorite waterfalls dressed up for Winter.